Letters from abroad: New Zealand | The Sheaf – the University of Saskatchewan student newspaper.
Sarah wrote about our experience in New Zealand. Her story was picked up by the UofS student newspaper The Sheaf. Very cool.
Letters from abroad: New Zealand | The Sheaf – the University of Saskatchewan student newspaper.
Sarah wrote about our experience in New Zealand. Her story was picked up by the UofS student newspaper The Sheaf. Very cool.
Sarah’s Aunt and Uncle came to visit while we were here. We enjoyed their company and did a few tourist things together.
Jack and Will are sure to show everyone that visit the Cave Rock down at Sumner Beach. Below the mast is a cave that is accessible at low tide.
And you can climb to the top of the rock as well. There is a building that used to house the sumner beach rescue watch tower.
During the summer months at the park just by our place they had different bands playing on Sunday afternoons. We had everything from student bands to bag pipe bands.
A walk down on the Esplanade close to our house. in this photo: Beth, Sarah, John, Jack. (and Will is just behind Sarah!)